Thursday, June 24, 2021

Congratulations Class of 2021

On behalf of all the KPAC coaches, volunteers and organizers, we would like to extend our warmest congratulations to the entire graduating class of 2021. 

In a school year like no other in recent history, we hold onto the hope that all the 2021 graduates can look back on the many athletic opportunities that they were able to have over their four years of high school with great fondness and positivity. We hope that these opportunities provided you with strong positive memories even in spite of what seems to be a "lost year". 

Know that you had a positive impact on your school by participating in school sport, as you brought people together to cheer for you and share in your sporting journeys, as well as being an integral part of the spirit that defines your school. 

Take with you these fond memories and positive experiences, but do not forget that although your high school years are over, your pursuit of sport, for sports sake, should not be.

Never forget to just go out & play.


 All the best to you all in all that you decide to do and in all that comes your way.
